Thursday, July 22, 2021

Thursday - July 22, 2021


Well, I am certainly not writing in my blog as much as I used to.  It's because I am not traveling as much as I used to.  Yesterday was one of those exceptions.  I spent the day in Muskogee, Ok, and had 2 wonderful services.  I say wonderful because the residents were so thrilled to have someone come and see them.  It does not happen much anymore and that is sad.  If you have the opportunity to visit someone in a nursing care facility and that facility is open please go.  You will be a major blessing.

As a result of nursing care facilities not being open to the public, we have become very effective with our online nursing care services.  As I was talking with residents after yesterday's services; they were very interested in taking my card which explains how to connect with the online services.

We will be live again today.  Service times are Tuesdays and Thursdays @ 2 pm CST