Tuesday, October 22, 2019

the Homeless

 Today I want to share something that happened yesterday, on the trail. (I spend part of my time on my bike ministering to the homeless.) I had come to a park down by the river in Tulsa and decided to take a break. I saw a homeless man trying to dry off and warm up in front of a hand blower in the men's bathroom. (The night before it had rained. This man got caught in it and was drenched.) I asked him if he could use a protein bar. He brightened up and said, "Yes!" Then he said, "That sure is a nice bottle. (I have a bottle I hand out that I call "the Bottle of Life". It includes what I call a mini Bible school, a letter with vital information for the homeless in the Tulsa area, and a protein bar. I told him the bottle was his and the protein bar was inside. Then, I asked him if he ever went to church. It turned into an amazing conversation about the Lord. If you passed by this man he was probably someone you would stay away from - rotten teeth, dirty clothes, etc. But, Jesus gave His life for this man just as much as He gave His life for me. He is very valuable in the eyes of the Lord. We are friends forever. More importantly, brothers in the Lord forever.

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