Monday, June 19, 2017


There were some very disturbed residents this afternoon in Stillwater. They seemed to be very confused about who they were and where they were supposed to be. It looked like work for the Holy Ghost. I started some music and then we started to sing. The old blood songs are very powerful. After a few songs, that lifted up the name of Jesus, things began to change for the better. The crying and yelling stopped and we were actually singing the hymns in harmony. Before the service I could not reason with many of the residents. After the service we carrying on normal conversations as if there was never anything wrong. I told the activities director, "I believe I'm giving them back to you in better shape than I got them." She said they had been having trouble with them all day long. It is the power of God and it is wonderful thing to watch.

Strengthening The Saved - Saving The Lost

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