Thursday, December 19, 2019
Well, it was a wild morning. The room we were meeting in had a white Christmas tree. At the top of the tree was a decorated white top-hat. The residents and staff were all egging me on to ware it. So, I did - for the whole service. We are definitely having a good time and celebrating the birth of our Savior and Lord, Jesus Christ.
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
Claremore is always so appreciative of this ministry coming to share the Gospel. This morning some residents told stories of when they were children during the Christmas season. This is in a memory care facility. It was wonderful to hear them talk about their childhood. We continue our mandate of: Strengthening The Saved & Saving The Lost.
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
This is the week before Christmas. It is the busiest time of the year in the nursing homes. There are many, many groups that will come to the nursing homes both this week and next. It is a wonderful time of the year. I don't mind rearranging my schedule to accommodate more visitors. Next month and for the rest of the year we (my partners and I) will be there: preaching, teaching, loving, praying, and caring for the people. God is so good to put us in this place. We continue to: Strengthen The Saved & Save The Lost.
Thursday, December 12, 2019
We just had some wonderful Christmas caroling this morning. The longer we sang the more residents came in. Jesus is the reason for the season and we are sharing His Good News in nursing care facilities throughout eastern Oklahoma.
Wednesday, December 11, 2019
I said, "I'm here to sing some Christmas carols with you." She said, "Did you come to see this old catholic?" I said, "I sure did!" She looked shocked and said, "Wonders never cease. I guess there's a first for everything." We had the best of times this morning celebrating the birth of Jesus.
Tuesday, December 10, 2019
This year has gone by extremely fast. This morning as we were singing Christmas carols it struck me that at the end of every year the whole world calibrates the birth of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. What a great way to close out the old and bring in the new. We continue to share the Good News that Jesus Is The Reason For The Season.
Thursday, December 5, 2019
There is something very captivating about Christmas carols. Residents and staff enjoyed an hour of singing them. I have always enjoyed singing carols but I did not realize that many of them include the story of the birth of Jesus. We are not just singing about Santa Claus we are singing about Jesus.
Wednesday, December 4, 2019
It was pretty obvious this morning that many of the residents are depressed throughout the holidays. Even though the nursing homes decorate for Christmas the residents are lonely with no family or friends coming to visit. We are bringing in Christmas music and the Good News of Jesus they probably remember as a kid. It brings many good memories and smiles back on their faces. Praise the Lord.
Tuesday, December 3, 2019
We are in full Christmas mode. This morning we sang Christmas carols with a little bit of the Christmas story scattered throughout. (Jesus Is Lord!) What a wonderful time of the year. I am already noticing more friends and family coming to visit in the nursing homes. This is a much easier time of year to share the love of Jesus.
Saturday, November 30, 2019
Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Broken Arrow/Okmulgee
What a great morning. We are giving thanks for such a wonderful God. Many of us joined together this morning and sang some of the great songs of the church - Amazing Grace, Are You Washed In The Blood, Because He Lives, Blessed Assurance, etc. Even the staff came in to take their break and sing the hymns. We'll spread some more "Good News" this afternoon in Okmulgee.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
This time of the year becomes very busy in the nursing homes. Families and friends come this time of the year when it may be the only time they come. I'm thankful they come, whenever that is. Sometimes it disrupts my service but I am not complaining. It's wonderful to see new or renewed relationships grow. This time of the year be ready to go with the flow. We are to minister whenever and wherever we can. We did have a service but with many less residents. Now it's on to Vinita.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
This morning when I walked into the meeting room the lights were off and there were just a few residents watching the TV. Actually any time I walk into something like that I get excited because I know that in just a few minutes there will be a huge transformation. I started the music and here they came! We had a wonderful service thanking and praising the Lord during this Thanksgiving season.
There are many residents who have no family around. During the Holidays it can seem extra lonely for them. If you have family or friends living in care facilities take the time to visit them. Your visit can make all the difference in the world.
There are many residents who have no family around. During the Holidays it can seem extra lonely for them. If you have family or friends living in care facilities take the time to visit them. Your visit can make all the difference in the world.
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
This is the month of Thanksgiving and today we are so thankful for the Word of God. The book of James says, just like a bit in the horses mouth our tongue can control the direction of our life. I saw a lot of questioning faces until I related that to accepting Jesus as Lord and Savior. "That act changed the direction of my life." I could see the "light-bulbs" going off in their minds. They got it. That's how it works with all the promises of God.
We continue to: Strengthen The Saved & save The Lost - throughout eastern Oklahoma.
We continue to: Strengthen The Saved & save The Lost - throughout eastern Oklahoma.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
It seemed like the beginning of the service was charged with excitement. We had a terrific time of praise and worship. Then, I spoke on Prov. 18:21, "Death and life is in the power of the tongue." After the service one of the residents said, she was so thankful that I had come. She was thankful I had talked about "speaking your faith" and that, "death and life is in the power of the tongue." She said, "You've charged my faith so now I can believe again."
We continue to:
Strengthen The Saved & Save The Lost
We continue to:
Strengthen The Saved & Save The Lost
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
There is something very special going on in Tahlequah. After 7 to 8 years I am finally in. (I've been here now for a few months.) This is one of those situations where you realize the importance of persistence. These residents are soaking up the music and the Word of God like a dry sponge.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
What a wonderful service. I was a little taken back at the teary eyes. Residents were thrilled to know that the same faith they used for salvation can be used for all the promises in the Word. We looked at Believing and Speaking. It is the key to Receiving. Praise The Lord!
Monday, October 28, 2019
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
the Homeless
Today I want to share something that happened yesterday, on the trail. (I spend part of my time on my bike ministering to the homeless.) I had come to a park down by the river in Tulsa and decided to take a break. I saw a homeless man trying to dry off and warm up in front of a hand blower in the men's bathroom. (The night before it had rained. This man got caught in it and was drenched.) I asked him if he could use a protein bar. He brightened up and said, "Yes!" Then he said, "That sure is a nice bottle. (I have a bottle I hand out that I call "the Bottle of Life". It includes what I call a mini Bible school, a letter with vital information for the homeless in the Tulsa area, and a protein bar. I told him the bottle was his and the protein bar was inside. Then, I asked him if he ever went to church. It turned into an amazing conversation about the Lord. If you passed by this man he was probably someone you would stay away from - rotten teeth, dirty clothes, etc. But, Jesus gave His life for this man just as much as He gave His life for me. He is very valuable in the eyes of the Lord. We are friends forever. More importantly, brothers in the Lord forever.
Thursday, October 17, 2019
This facility is one of the most supportive facilities I minister in. The staff are very anxious to bring everyone they can into the service. We had a wonderful time together. The thrust this morning was to have a desire to renew our minds to the Word of God and understand how that helps us on a personal level. God is such a wonderful, good God. Jesus Is Lord!
This afternoon I was so taken by the fact that we have so many strong Bible believing Christians in nursing care facilities. This afternoon I heard over and over testimonies of prayer warriors who have been interceding for their families. I don't think the local church or the local pastors are aware of the untapped source of prayer warriors who can be found in these facilities. Imagine thousands of seasoned prayer warriors all praying in agreement based on the Word of God!
This afternoon I was so taken by the fact that we have so many strong Bible believing Christians in nursing care facilities. This afternoon I heard over and over testimonies of prayer warriors who have been interceding for their families. I don't think the local church or the local pastors are aware of the untapped source of prayer warriors who can be found in these facilities. Imagine thousands of seasoned prayer warriors all praying in agreement based on the Word of God!
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
We just had an amazing morning. Music is so powerful. It seemed like many of the residents were depressed until we began to sing. After a few minutes of: Amazing Grace and Jesus Is The Sweetest Name I Know, smiles came to their faces and they began to sing much louder. After the service they were immediately asking why we ended so soon. (We had been singing for 45 minutes.) Then they asked, When are you coming back? We are making a wonderful impact in these facilities and residents.
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
We are growing at Methodist Manor. I think the word is getting out that we are very serious about the Word of God. We are thoroughly convinced that Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life. At the close of the service we all repeated together, "Jesus is my Lord."
Thursday, October 10, 2019
I just cannot think of a higher calling than to be asked to share the Word of God with others. We had another full room this morning with receptive ears. With hands in the air and tears in their eyes they worshiped their God. What an amazing morning.
We are:
Strengthening The Saved & Saving The Lost
We are:
Strengthening The Saved & Saving The Lost
Tuesday, October 8, 2019
I never tire of seeing faces light up when we start to sing the hymns. This month we are looking at what it means to renew the mind to the Word of God. We are looking at 3 areas. 1. To know who you are in Christ. 2. To know the character of God. 3. To know what He has promised. There was some shoutin' going on this morning. They're getting it! We have become the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus.
Thursday, October 3, 2019
Tuesday, October 1, 2019
This morning we talked about "using our faith to run our race". At the end of the service a woman stood up and out of her wheel chair to give me a hug. Latter I heard she had not been out of her wheel chair and on her own for a year. Praise The Lord! She said, "I think I could run across the room."
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Broken Arrow/Okmulgee
We are definitely growing in this facility. The administrator here new me from another facility she had been working in. When she moved here she called and asked me to come. It is an honor to represent the Lord in all these facilities. We are ministering to residents, staff, and guests; anyone who is willing to listen to the Good News. We continue to: Strengthen The Saved & Save The Lost throughout eastern Oklahoma.
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
I am back on the road again and what a wonderful morning. Residents and staff were ready to praise the Lord. This service becomes a real witness to the rest of the facility. After the service there were many who requested prayer for a variety of things. We have a God who loves us and wants the very best for us. We are pressing in to Him!
Thursday, September 19, 2019
We had new residents and new visitors this morning. I always like to see new people. One of the visitors was a pastor from the area. He came to visit a resident but had also heard about the nursing home ministry and wanted to see what it was all about. We are reaching the nation of the elderly, the nation of the homeless, and all those who find themselves in long term care facilities.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Music was the priority this morning. It was a wonderful time of praising the Lord. It's been 2 months since I've been here. We were so excited to see each other again. We are family.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
It was so good to be back in Methodist Manor. We have become family. At the close of the service there were many who asked for prayer. Mostly for their families. (We prayed together.) These are moms and dads, grandmas and grandpas who have their families on their hearts. I've always said, "As long as you are breathing God has a plan and a purpose for your life." I have found many times that residents have a heart of prayer for their families.
Thursday, September 12, 2019
This morning we sang many of the hymns these residents grew up with and love. At the close of the service they did not want to give up their song sheets. I kept hearing, "It's mine. You can't have it!" (Before every service I take the time to greet everyone in the room and hand them a song sheet if they want one. Then, after the service I go back around to pray, speak with, and pick up the song sheets.) This morning was special. It was a service they wanted to keep. They did not want to let go. So, many of the residents have song sheets. When I get home I will simply print more. We are reaching many residents, throughout eastern Oklahoma, with the gospel of Jesus Christ. Praise The Lord!
Wednesday, September 11, 2019
It is always such a joy to minister to those who work and live in memory facilities. When I begin to play and sing the old hymns, their faces light up. They remember! And that is a great beginning!
Tuesday, September 10, 2019
It was good to be back in Barnsdall today. I am ministering on who we are in Christ. 2 Cor. 5:17 says, if you are in Christ you are a new creation. We emphasized In Christ. The Bible says it is possible to be In Christ. Praise The Lord!
Thursday, September 5, 2019
It was so good to be back at Brentwood this morning. These people truly love the Lord. We raised our voices to God in praise and worship. Then, we renewed our minds to the word of God. The promises are true and real. We can stand on the promises of God. At the close of the service we all agreed we wanted to be closer to God. It's time to press in even more.
Wednesday, September 4, 2019
I like to get into situations where it has to be God or it won't work. In Mark 11:24 Jesus said, "Believe that you receive when you pray and you shall have." The key to receiving from God is believing you HAVE received when you pray and BEFORE you see it. Many people believe it when they see it. This morning there were several residents in geri chairs and in need of healing. We looked at this scripture and believed together. Yes Lord, we believe!
Friday, August 30, 2019
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Broken Arrow/Okmulgee
Today it seems everywhere I go and everywhere I look there are people in need. Even the homeless are standing out side McDonald's. The Lord has been very gracious to allow me to help these people. We have what I call the 6B's. We have Bibles, a mini Bible School, Bars, Bottles, Blankets, and a Brochure that explains available help in the area. Some of these items are packed in a bottle. We call it "Life In A Bottle". Yes Lord, I will go!
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
I had a wonderful opportunity to minister this morning. A woman who lived in the nursing home had just gone on to be with the Lord a few hours before I arrived. I was setting up my equipment to get ready for our service when the activities director came in to let me know what had just happened. She asked if I would like to speak to the family. I said, "yes". As I entered the room I could see the woman was still in her bed. Family, friends, staff, and hospice were all there and waiting for the funeral home staff to arrive. I was introduced and then began to minister to everyone in the room. We prayed together and had a group hug. What a blessing to be there at the right time and in the right place. After all that I went back out to the dining area and we had our morning service. Praise the Lord for His Goodness. We continue to: Strengthen The Saved & Save The Lost
Thursday, August 22, 2019
As I entered the nursing home this morning I sensed that music should be a big part of the service. We began to sing and I noticed an incredible response. Many more residence came in to the service. Then, those who were in the service began to raise their hands and praise the Lord. We continued to sing and praising the Lord for 45 minutes. Everyone wanted to continue but it was time for lunch at the facility. There was also a tremendous response for healing and salvation. God Is So Good!
Wednesday, August 14, 2019
I never tire of watching memory care residents sing all the old hymns. They remember all of them. We had residents streaming into the room the entire time I was there because they could here the piano music down the halls. After they sang a little bit they found it easier to care on a conversation. It's amazing how the mind works. We are bringing the Good News of Jesus Christ to nursing care facilities throughout eastern Oklahoma.
Tuesday, August 13, 2019
In Barnsdall we meet right at the front door. It's a great place because of the traffic. I like the movement. It doesn't bother me at all. I've noticed that residents, staff and friends all like the service. Today I ministered on "How to make decisions based on the Word". God wants to help us make good decisions. He wants to help us as our Father. The first step is to come into the family through Jesus Christ.
Thursday, August 8, 2019
I walked into this mornings facility ready to minister a particular message. As soon as I walked through the room I new everything was going to change. The room looked pretty normal and I didn't notice anything different outwardly, I just new on the inside. I added more music, went to a simple salvation message, and had a very focused prayer for salvation and rededication. God is so good! we continue to: Strengthen The Save & Save The Lost.
Wednesday, August 7, 2019
After the service was over and I was talking with the residents they said, "That was way to short!" That just thrilled me. It's so good to hear they like to praise the Lord and want to know more about Him." We are talking about how to discern His voice and follow Him.
Tuesday, August 6, 2019
When I asked the question, "Does anyone hear voices?". You could tell everyone wanted to say, "yes" but didn't know if they should. The fact is we all hear voices. The real questions are, where do they come from and what do we do with them? How do we make decisions with all these voices. This topic brought in a lot of residents, staff, and guests. It's a question we all have but no one wants to address it. Today we looked into the Word and saw we are a spirit, we possess a soul, and we live in a body. All three areas reveal voices. Everyone started to relax when they realized everyone around them hears voices too. When we accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior and renew our minds to the Word of God, decision making becomes much clearer. We lifted our voices to the Lord as we honored and worshiped Him this morning. Now, it's on to Bristow.
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