Thursday, June 27, 2019


Well, it was quite the morning. As I entered the building, it was very noticeable, there was no power. The nursing home was installing a new power generator. There were in the final stages of hooking it up so all the power had to be shut down. I was thankful my system was battery operated. The administrator said, "You came at just the right time." all of the residents were in the main hall, in the dark, with nothing to do. We were literally bringing light into the darkness. I started the music. There were smiles everywhere. We rejoiced in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. We raised our hands and our voices to Him. By the time the service was over the power was back on. Praise the Lord.

This afternoon was wonderful. The residents were drawing on me. It was so easy to minister. I have always ministered on faith but this afternoon I ministered on "Faith To Run Your Race." After 1 1/2 hours I just had to unhook. I had more response than I've had in a while. God is so faithful to His Word.

Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Broken Arrow/Okmulgee

This morning it was wonderful to watch residents remember stories and situations from their past. As we were singing some of the old hymns you could see "the lights come on." Then, the ability to share those stories. They were giving testimonies of Gods love and faithfulness. It was so encouraging to hear. We continue with our focus to Strengthen The Saved & Save The Lost.

Tuesday, June 25, 2019


I started out in Pryor this morning but ended up in Chouteau. There are times when change is important. We did have a good service in Pryor but then as soon as the service was over it was time to go to Chouteau. (I was in this facility several years ago and it's time to come back.) why? I don't know. It just is. I'll be back next month. Know it's on to Vinita for the afternoon.

Thursday, June 20, 2019


Today we are looking at the promises of God. The Bible says, Every promise God has ever made is "YES" to the believer. Salvation is the promise that makes all the other promises of the Bible available. "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved." (After a while I just had to unhook because there was no end to this train.)

Wednesday, June 19, 2019


I stepped out of the car and a number popped into my mind - 1864. I walked to the front door and plugged it into the key pad and the door opened. I never memorize the codes to get into these many facilities. I do have most of them in my phone if I need them but before I look them up they usually come back to my mind. I use it once and then a month latter and it will come back again. When things like that continue to happen it's a reminder that I am doing what God wants me to do and He continues to bless me in many ways. This may seem a small thing but it still blesses me.

The room was pretty full when I stepped in. They were certainly ready to sing. We sang songs like: His Name Is Wonderful, Jesus Paid It All, Joy In Serving Jesus, Standing On The Promises, etc. Faith continued to rise throughout the morning. Cares were being lifted and we were simply putting our trust in HIM. It was a great way to start the day!

Tuesday, June 18, 2019


This morning it became very evident how much the nursing home ministry means to at least some of these residents. A couple of residents came into the room at the close of the service. They became very emotional when they realized they had missed the service. It took a lot of hugs to get them calmed down. This has become their church. They wouldn't miss it for the world.

We continue to travel and share the Good News that Jesus is Lord.

Thursday, June 13, 2019


This morning, as I was looking at a full room of elderly residents, I was struck by the thought that God loves us so much He has given knowledge and wisdom to the medical community so that even nonbelievers can be healed. His end game is that His love will draw us to Him. At the end of the service we prayed for the facility, for the staff, that God would continue to give wisdom and understanding to all the staff so the residents would be blessed. Then we prayed that God's supernatural healing power would fill this place. To God be the glory.

Wednesday, June 12, 2019


It is always a joy to bring the Gospel, through the medium of music, to those who are dealing with memory loss. Music seems to help the memory. As we begin to sing, the residents light up. They begin to talk about things the staff has not heard before. We are Strengthening The Saved & Saving The Lost in spirit, soul, and body.

Tuesday, June 11, 2019


We just had a wonderful time in Barnsdall this morning. I am eternally grateful the Lord has allowed me to minister in nursing care facilities. I believe this to be the bedrock of ministry. James, the pastor of the Jerusalem church said in James 1:27 "Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world." I believe that is what we are doing in the nursing homes. we are ministering to those who are down and out. Those who are alone and many without families. We are proclaiming that Jesus loves you. And, Jesus Is Lord!

Thursday, June 6, 2019


This morning I was reminded of a story I heard back in Bible School. (I'll relay it as I remember it.)
One of my instructors said years ago he had set up his tent in a particular town in California for a 2 week revival. The first full week no one came. He ministered like "a house of fire" to his wife and himself. They took up the offering each night between the two of them and then after the service put the offering back in their pockets. At the beginning of the second week some neighborhood kids peeked under the tent wondering who this crazy man was preaching to an empty tent. Soon others from the neighborhood and community came. The tent fulled up that second week and they had a tremendous response. The revival lasted much longer than 2 weeks. The instructor said if he had packed up and quit after the first few days they would have never known the results of the revival. Then he said This, "Whatever the Lord tells you to do, just do it!"
This morning as I entered our meeting room, half the lights were off and a few residents were watching TV. They were not ready for me. I continued to set up and minister because God had told me to minister in nursing homes. He did not say, "Only minister if you have a big crowd." I am so thankful I have learned to "just do it." Sometimes our situations can cause our emotions to sway us one way or another. The question that needs to be answered is; what did God tell you to do?
By the end of the service several more residents had come in and we had a great service. Praise the Lord!

Wednesday, June 5, 2019


We talked about family this morning. The importance of being in the family of God. I stated that being in the family means we are brothers and sisters in the Lord. At one point I said I was going to Tahlequah in the afternoon. When I said that, they wanted to go with me. I said, "What?" They said, "We're family aren't we?" I must have been very convincing. The truth is if we are in Christ we are family. Praise the Lord!

Tuesday, June 4, 2019


One of the big reasons the residents come to these services is because they love to sing the old hymns. That's what the activities director told me this morning. So, we sang a lot of hymns this morning. We also looked at John 3:16. As I recited the verse, everyone in the room recited it with me. It's something we all know. We meditated on how thankful we are for our salvation. Then we closed by singing - What A Friend we Have In Jesus. God Is So Good!