Thursday, April 25, 2019
What a great morning. We had a full room with many responses to salvations and rededications. Today we looked at following the plan of God through His promises. Jesus Is Lord!
Wednesday, April 24, 2019
Broken Arrow

We are finishing up the month by staying on the theme of Easter - "He Is Risen". This morning we saw many residents pressing in and rededicate themselves to the Lord. It might have been cloudy on the outside but the Son was shining on the inside.
Now it's time to hit the trails and minister to the homeless.
Now it's time to hit the trails and minister to the homeless.
Tuesday, April 23, 2019
I am continuing with the Easter theme this week. Most residents do not have an opportunity to be part of an Easter service. So, we are bringing Easter to them. That means 'the Glory of the resurrected Christ'. Now it's back on the road to Vinita. We are: Strengthening The Saved & Saving The Lost
Thursday, April 18, 2019
Easter is certainly the biggest event in the life of the Christian and the Church. We have been celebrating the resurrection of Jesus all week. This mornings service was recorded and made available on our web site -
Wednesday, April 17, 2019
Easter is a very special time of the year. The resurrection of Jesus is the only hope for salvation. We rejoiced in the old hymns of the church and then looked at the resurrection of Jesus. Any bit of attention causes laughter and tears all at the same time. We continue to: Strengthen The Saved & Save The Lost. Now it's on to Nowata.
Tuesday, April 16, 2019
There are days when you wonder, "Is it worth it? the driving, the hours on the road, the preparation, feeling alone. Is it really worth it?" And then you realize, it is the call of God. When you finally get there you see the look on their faces, the tears in their eyes, the hands reaching up to God. Then you realize every bit of it is worth it. There are millions of people who do not go and a few who do. I am so thankful me and my partners are part of the few.
This is Easter week. We are celebrating the resurrection of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. One of the songs we sang was "Are you washed in the blood?" Thank God I can say, "Yes I Am."
This is Easter week. We are celebrating the resurrection of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. One of the songs we sang was "Are you washed in the blood?" Thank God I can say, "Yes I Am."
Monday, April 15, 2019
This was a very special Easter service in Warner. We sang the blood songs, resurrection songs, and read the story of Jesus resurrection out of the book of John. HE IS RISEN.
Thursday, April 11, 2019
It's great to see the Muskogee pastors come into the nursing homes. We are certainly working together. They like to come in and minister to their members. I provide a service to the entire facility. We made sure everyone in the room was born again. Then we made a decision to run our race strong to the finish line. Jesus Is Lord!
Wednesday, April 10, 2019
This was an assisted living facility this morning. The majority of the residents love the Lord. It's wonderful to see them remembering and singing the hymns. These are the songs they sang when they went to church. So many residents come to these meetings it becomes the gathering point for everyone.
Tuesday, April 9, 2019
We sure had a great time this morning. There was some electrical work being done in parts of the building so we met in our old room. It was full and the residents were ready to praise the Lord. Today we talked about the Word of God being His own love letter to us personally. We can believe that the Word of God is God speaking to me.
Thursday, April 4, 2019
It's mornings like this that remind my how grateful I am that the Lord asked me to travel and minister in nursing care facilities. This mornings room was full and we were about to sing, "Thank You Lord For Saving My Soul". I stopped and told every one I new this was a strange time for an alter-call but I was going to do one anyway. I looked around the room and recognized everyone. I new that in the past several years I had prayed with some for salvation. Then we discovered every one in the room was saved. What a thrill! We teach to secure everyone's future in Jesus. But we also teach how to live a good life in this life. The promises of God are for today.
Tuesday, April 2, 2019
I was at Maplewood Care Center this morning. We had a great group. They were ready to praise the Lord. Then, we looked into the Word and learned how to apply our faith to everyday situations. God is so good!
Monday, April 1, 2019
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