Thursday, November 30, 2017
Tuesday, November 28, 2017
This is my last day of the month. (For consistent monthly scheduling, every month has 28 days and this is the 28th.) We are changing from Thanksgiving to Christmas. "Jesus Is The Reason For The Season" will be my theme. This is a great time to share to love of Jesus to those who don't know. He is "the way, the truth, and the life."
Monday, November 27, 2017
The residents and staff at Colonial Park Nursing Home love the Lord. I mentioned how wonderful it was to see everyone come out. One of the staff said, "We need this. We are so glad you come." It reminded me, once again, of all the people who are behind me and helping me go to these 38 facilities - THANK YOU! We are still focusing on "Being Thankful". At the close of the service there were many who wanted prayer. It is an honor to pray in the name of Jesus and watch the Word of God come alive. Back on the road: Strengthening The Saved - Saving The Lost.
Friday, November 24, 2017
Today is a very special day for me. Ann is off work and able to travel with me. We were in Barnsdall this morning and had a wonderful time. Ever since I've been in this facility the room has been ready and filled with residents. You can tell they love the Lord. We raised our hands and our voices to the Lord and gave thanks. We continue to travel with the mandate of: Strengthening The Saved - Saving The Lost.
Wednesday, November 22, 2017
Broken Arrow/Pawnee
We are sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ. Many times the residents in nursing care facilities can be overlooked during the Holidays. I'm eating lunch at a McDonald's on the 412 turnpike, West of Tulsa. I don't think I've ever seen so many people. The employees say this could be their biggest day of the year. If your traveling be safe out there.
Tuesday, November 21, 2017
We certainly had the joy of the Lord this morning. (I'd like to show pictures but I'd better not.) There was one gal in particular who just sang at the top of her lungs. Not a pretty voice, and out of tune, but beautiful unto the Lord. Many of the staff came to watch her sing. "Jesus is the sweetest name I know. . ." We continue to travel: Strengthening The Saved - Saving The Lost
Monday, November 20, 2017
This morning we had the largest group to date. We sang some of the faith filled hymns of the church and then thanked God as we enter this Thanksgiving Season. We had residents, family, and staff. What a great time in the Lord!
This afternoon we had several residents. However, we also had some visitors who have been wanting to minister in nursing homes. They asked if they could have copies of the song sheets I use. They said, "These are the songs we want to sing!" So, I loaded them up. We are multiplying!
This morning we had the largest group to date. We sang some of the faith filled hymns of the church and then thanked God as we enter this Thanksgiving Season. We had residents, family, and staff. What a great time in the Lord!

Thursday, November 16, 2017
We looked at a verse we found in the book of Jeremiah. Jer 29:11-12 "For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." (NIV) After that we had REVIVAL. I wish I could show you pictures but I'd better not. (HIPA regulations.) Hands were in the air and I had a lot of help preaching. Residents and staff watched from the halls because there was no room to get in. We are: Strengthening The Saved - Saving The Lost in Muskogee and McAlester today.
Wednesday, November 15, 2017
We had a tremendous time this morning. There are several "communities" of residents in this facility. Many of those "communities" came together to sing the great hymns of the church. They may not know their name but they know these hymns.
Tuesday, November 14, 2017
The activities director in Tulsa is amazing. She loves the Lord and she loves her residents. It becomes very evident as she brings them into the service. This is the Holiday Season and we are giving thanks to the Lord. He is worthy to be praised! Many residents requested prayer after the service. What an honor. He is our Savior, our Healer, and our Deliverer.
Monday, November 13, 2017
It was an interesting morning. There must be flexibility in a nursing home ministry. I was not on the calendar for this morning, the activities director was not in today, and the gal at the front desk just started 3 weeks ago. I set up and started singing anyway. There were no residents in the meeting room however as the music went down the halls, residents began to come. By the end of our time together residents and staff were in the room and singing. The Gospel is like cool water in a dry, hot desert. Now, it's on to Sallisaw.
Friday, November 10, 2017
Today was a big day. Not only are we giving thanks to God but we gave thanks to veterans today. We find many veterans in nursing homes. We thanked the Lord for salvation, for protection, and for provision. We also thanked all the veterans for giving of there time and for putting their lives on the line for our safety, protection, and freedom.
Thursday, November 9, 2017
I remember hearing someone say, "If you find something you enjoy doing, you'll never work another day in your life." Now, I'm not saying things are always easy or it's just "a bed of roses" but, I sure am having fun. It's fun to usher people into the presence of the Lord. It's fun to bring people into the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. It's fun to see people receive their healing from the Lord. It's also very rewarding. And, that's what we did this morning. We are giving thanks to an awesome God!
Wednesday, November 8, 2017
It's been quite the day. I started out in Muskogee this morning. I must say, It's amazing to watch residents, with several forms of dementia, worship the Lord. The more they press in to God, the clearer their minds become. God is so good. Then, I headed to Wilburton. One of the nursing homes was have a volunteers appreciation day. I spent a little time there and then went to another nursing home for a 2pm service. After that service was over I returned back to the first nursing home for a 3pm service. 3 services in all today. Both residents, staff, family, and friend are very appreciative of these services. God's Word is so faithful and true. When people see the love of God in demonstration they are drawn. Many lives are changed in these services - salvations, healings, family relations, etc. We continue to travel the roads of eastern Oklahoma: Strengthening The Saved - Saving The Lost.
(The days are long but well worth it. Up at 6am getting ready for the day and on the road. It's 6pm now and I'm sitting in a McDonald's, on the Muskogee turnpike, writing in my blog. It will be a while before I get home. God Is Good!)
(The days are long but well worth it. Up at 6am getting ready for the day and on the road. It's 6pm now and I'm sitting in a McDonald's, on the Muskogee turnpike, writing in my blog. It will be a while before I get home. God Is Good!)
Tuesday, November 7, 2017
It is a wonderful thing to see that, wherever I go, hands are lifted to the Lord. We are rejoicing in the Lord and giving Him all the praise. Some of the residents were asked to leave during the service in order to shower, etc. They said, "No!" These types of services don't happen that often. The residents do not want to leave. The staff is readjusting their schedule.
Monday, November 6, 2017
This was my first service in Jenks. It was wonderful. Residents continued to come in throughout the service. After the service one of the long-time residents said, "You got a real crowd!" That's always Good News. We are giving thanks this time of year. It's good to know that we have a loving God who never leaves us and never forsakes us. I am on the nursing homes long term schedule now. First Monday of every month. Praise The Lord!
It's quit a drive from Jenks to Chandler but when the Lord is in it, it works. We filled up the nursing homes activities room and worshiped the Lord. There were many residents who were so glad we took the time to press in to God. Both family, friends, and staff came in. There's just nothing like the corporate anointing.
This was my first service in Jenks. It was wonderful. Residents continued to come in throughout the service. After the service one of the long-time residents said, "You got a real crowd!" That's always Good News. We are giving thanks this time of year. It's good to know that we have a loving God who never leaves us and never forsakes us. I am on the nursing homes long term schedule now. First Monday of every month. Praise The Lord!
It's quit a drive from Jenks to Chandler but when the Lord is in it, it works. We filled up the nursing homes activities room and worshiped the Lord. There were many residents who were so glad we took the time to press in to God. Both family, friends, and staff came in. There's just nothing like the corporate anointing.
Thursday, November 2, 2017
As I was leaving yesterdays service in Fort Gibson, a resident followed me to the door. She was very intent on telling me how important it was to the residents that I continue to come and "bring church". She said, "For those of us who went to church we miss it, and for those who didn't, they need it." That conversation was on my mind this morning as I entered and began this mornings service - some miss it and others need it. The reality is everyone needs it! We are focusing on thanksgiving this month. We should all be thankful to God. However, there are some who don't even think about God. Let's remember to be a living witness of a loving God. So that when people see our lives they can see that 1) we love Him and 2) He is good.
Wednesday, November 1, 2017
Warner/Fort Gibson
This is November 1st and the 8 year anniversary of the Nursing Home Ministry. It was 8 years ago today that I went to the Warner nursing home and began this ministry. Today I will be going back to Warner and Fort Gibson. Very fitting for today. We have traveled many miles, witnessed many salvations, many healings, and ministered over 3 thousand times. God has been faithful to His Word!
It was very good to be back in Warner today. It certainly brought back a lot of memories, from the first time I went, 8 years ago. I remember how nerves I was and hoping I would say the right things. Today there were many who were wheeled in to the service. Many needs both physically and spiritually. We sang the wonderful hymns filled with Faith and power. Then, I ministered the Word and laid hands on the sick. God has been so good and continues to be faithful to His Word. Now, it's on to Fort Gibson: Strengthening The Saved - Saving The Lost.

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