Wednesday, May 30, 2018
Friday, May 25, 2018
This morning we were having a wonderful time singing some of the hymns we all know and like. Then it was time to look into the Word. A woman came into the room and just stood next to me. I turned my attention to her, put my arm around her shoulder and said, "Would you like to come in and sit down?" She said, "Yes". So, we found a chair for her and I helped her to the chair. We talked for a little bit, having a normal conversation, and I welcomed her to the service. I did not realize that non of those things were normal for her. She normally walks the halls at a very slow shuffle and doesn't speak to anyone. The residents and staff called it a miracle. She sat back in her chair and took in the entire service. It wasn't anything that any one of us did. It was the Word of God and His Holy Spirit that drew this woman. After the service I gave her a hug and told her I would be back. I said, "I'd like you to come back in next time I come." She smiled and said she loved the Lord and would be back. Everyone around me looked like they were in shock. These types of things can be missed if your not paying attention. I am reminded of John 12:32 "And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me."
Thursday, May 24, 2018
We had a great morning. This facility brings in every resident they can. We always have a large group here. This morning we talked about operating in the God kind of faith. 1) Believe in your heart and 2) say with your mouth. It could be speaking to your mountain or it could be speaking to God in prayer but it's speaking with the mouth in either case. Some call this the authority of the believer. After the service there were several residents who said, "We learned something new today." Then they wanted to know all the verses I used so they could study them for themselves. Praise the Lord!
Tuesday, May 22, 2018
Broken Arrow/Vinita
This is the second time I have been to Prairie House in Broken Arrow. It is a wonderful facility. I am ministering in the memory unit so I am using a lot of music. Many of the old hymns. It is always exciting to see those who have been diagnosed with memory loss to remember and sing the hymns. Their faces lit up and we had a great time. After the service we were able to carry on amazing conversations. God is so good!
We had a shoutin' time in Vinita. The Lord is giving us more revelation, through His Word, about power in what we say. Proverbs says, "There is death and life in the power of the tongue." It is the authority we have been given as a believer.

Monday, May 21, 2018
We had a great time at Methodist Manor in Tulsa. Once again I was reminded of the loneliness there can be in nursing care facilities. It is possible to have people all around you and still be lonely. We sang many of the hymns they know and it lifted their spirits. Then we learned that there is power in what we say. Agreeing with the Word and speaking the Word is the best thing we could ever do. We continue to Strengthen The Saved & Save The Lost. After the service there were several who wanted prayer. Now it's on to Pawnee :)
Friday, May 18, 2018
This is nursing home week. In past years my week would be interrupted almost daily with special nursing home week activities. I've made it all the way to Friday and this morning walked into a special activity put on by the nursing home. (Many times the regular weekly schedule is interrupted for special activities.) For those of us who are in the nursing home ministry we must not be upset when this happens. It is encouraging to see the residents wanting me to have their regular church service in place of their special activity. I always tell them when their special activities go away I will be there. I have already contacted my afternoon facility. I was not scheduled however when I arrived they asked me to "please come" because some of their special activities fell through.
Thursday, May 17, 2018
A "preach" came on me this morning. (I always like it when that happens.) The room was pretty full and we were all ready to hear from God. We are witnessing salvations, healings, and much growing in the Word. Today we looked at the power of the tongue. Proverbs says, there is death and life in the power of the tongue. Jesus said we could speak to a mountain in our life and it would have to go. We are discovering the authority we have in the name of Jesus.
Wednesday, May 16, 2018
This morning I was in an Alzheimer facility. We spent all of our time singing many of the old hymns. These hymns brought back many memories of their church days. I asked them how many remembered the time and place they accepted Jesus as their Lord and Savior? That question started some conversations and they began to share. It was wonderful. It was a testimony meeting!
Tuesday, May 15, 2018
Where do I begin? There is a resident here who I have known ever since I started coming. She is very crippled. As I entered the room she burst into tears and reached for me. When I got close to her she said, "I almost died last week!" We held hands and prayed together. (God's healing power is awesome.) I continued to hold her hand and sang - "Just Ask". This is an amazing song about God's healing power. (I new I was going to sing it this morning. I pulled it up and sang through it in the car on my way.) I sang it to her but loud enough so everyone could hear. Then we all confessed, "We will live and not die of sickness or disease. The Lord will satisfy me with long life." Another resident entered who seems to be fine physically. The issues here are more mental and emotional. She has a specific chair she always sits in. This morning someone else was in "her chair". She is very shy and would not cause a scene. But, she had no idea where to sit or what to do. I'd been wanting to work with her for the past several month and this was my chance. I don't have time or space to go into all the details of what happened but it led to having a know-so salvation experience - Praise the Lord. These are just a couple of things that happened as I roamed the room, sang, and ministered.
Before I left the house this morning I was complaining about How tired I was and lack of enthusiasm. Don't let your emotions determine your destiny. Be a doer of the Word and not a hearer only.
Before I left the house this morning I was complaining about How tired I was and lack of enthusiasm. Don't let your emotions determine your destiny. Be a doer of the Word and not a hearer only.
Monday, May 14, 2018
We raised our voices and our hands this morning to the Lord. It is wonderful to watch the spirit of God, the glory of God, put a smile on peoples faces. To give them a joy they didn't seem to have before. To realize there is a God who loves them and wants the very best for them. This is the result of ministering The Good News. This morning we looked at the power in our tongue. The Bible says we can have what we believe in our heart and say with our mouth. Glory to God!
Friday, May 11, 2018
It's Friday and we are hearing residents speak the promises of God. Just like the bit in a horses mouth, or the rudder on a ship, our tongue can control the direction of our life - (James 3). Let's not just talk about the way it is. But, let's speak the promises of God and control the direction of our life.
Thursday, May 10, 2018
It was a great service. Many times we merely say the way it is. That doesn't change anything. We are learning to direct our lives with our words. I had some strange looks this morning. Some of these ideas are different and new but they are Bible. James refers to the bit in a horses mouth and the rudder on a ship. Then he says, even so the tongue. What we say is very, very important.
Wednesday, May 9, 2018
Many times the things that happen in a service are not seen. They are spiritual. There are more things happening that you do not see than you do see. However, when you do see something it is confirmation and a blessing. This morning there was a woman in a geri chair who had her eyes closed. She was singing the hymns along with the rest of us. It wasn't until some of the staff walked through that I realized this was unusual. So many of the residents do not respond to anything so when they do it's exciting. God continues to move in a mighty way!
Tuesday, May 8, 2018
We continue to see the love of God, (the power of God,) in action at the nursing care facilities. This morning was another large group. More and more facilities are realizing the Word of God is making a positive difference in peoples lives. As I was leaving the facility the activities director said, "There will be more in here next time!" Praise the Lord. God is Good.
Friday, May 4, 2018
One of the constants in life that must be learned is "God Is Good". He is never bad. He is never evil. He doesn't put bad things on you to teach you something. He is never wishy-washy. He is always good. Another constant is "change". Something that will always be is change. Many of us do not like that but it is a fact of life - change. When I walked into the nursing home this morning: the room had changed, the activities director had changed, and their way of doing business had changed. After the shock of change, we had a great service. We had more resident in the service than we have had in a long time. More residents were open to prayer than before. Change became a very good thing in Eufaula.
Thursday, May 3, 2018
Our topic for the month is "The Goodness Of God." We did some shouting this morning because God is so good. This has got to be one of my favorite topics. Many of the residents shared stories about how good God has been to them. It was a wonderful testimony service. God Is So Good!
Wednesday, May 2, 2018
Warner/Fort Gibson
This morning, I had one of the largest groups I've ever had here. This is the first facility I ministered in over 8 years ago. And, this is the facility where the Lord reminds me of my call. He also unveils things from time to time. Today was one of those times. I new that residents can be lonely but I did not realize how lonely. Loneliness can lead to depression and depression can lead to many negative things. What I saw this morning was a lack of hope. A lack of purpose. A lack of faith. There are many residents who are in nursing care facilities not because of age but because of other physical or mental issues. Some residents are quite young.
I was reminded of my 67 Chevy. Back in the 70's I had a buddy rebuild the engine - high dome pistons, 3/4 cam, holly 4 barrel, headers, etc. The outside of the car looked the same. You couldn't tell any difference by looking at it. But, when you put your foot to the peddle, that's when you could tell the difference. Faith is like that. Faith must be used. Faith without works, or without action, is dead.
I prayed for many this morning. Then, I asked them to do something they hadn't been able to do - say something, do something, move something. It was wonderful to watch. God is bigger than our problems. He has already done everything necessary for our every need. I told one gal, "This is like having power steering in your car. It's wonderful when you use it. But, if you never touch the wheel, if you never turn the wheel, it doesn't do you any good. It doesn't help you at all. It must be used."
I was reminded of my 67 Chevy. Back in the 70's I had a buddy rebuild the engine - high dome pistons, 3/4 cam, holly 4 barrel, headers, etc. The outside of the car looked the same. You couldn't tell any difference by looking at it. But, when you put your foot to the peddle, that's when you could tell the difference. Faith is like that. Faith must be used. Faith without works, or without action, is dead.
I prayed for many this morning. Then, I asked them to do something they hadn't been able to do - say something, do something, move something. It was wonderful to watch. God is bigger than our problems. He has already done everything necessary for our every need. I told one gal, "This is like having power steering in your car. It's wonderful when you use it. But, if you never touch the wheel, if you never turn the wheel, it doesn't do you any good. It doesn't help you at all. It must be used."
Tuesday, May 1, 2018
It's May 1st, and a new month. This morning I was ministering in Tahlequah and met a woman who is fairly new to the facility. She arrived in December but said she stayed in her room until recently. (As I understand it, she was very depressed when she moved in and did not want to do anything.) Now, she is seeking the Lord. During the message when I said, "As long as you are breathing God still has a plan and a purpose for your life", it went right to her core. Now she knows she has a purpose. She has a smile on her face. She is ready to follow the Lord again. She said, "The Lord has brought me back from a dark place." We continue to: Strengthen The Saved - Save The Lost, throughout eastern Oklahoma.
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