Wednesday, June 27, 2018
This morning was really good. Last month I was not able to come so it's been 2 months since I've seen them. This facility is just newly opened within the last year. They have been going through the state certification process. Last week they past their certifications. Now they have the ability to grow with more residents. (My congregation is growing.) We sang the wonderful hymns of the church then looked at the story of the woman with the issue of blood. We all got excited when we discovered that it was OUR faith in Him that can heal us. It led to lots of discussion. Residents are being saved, healed, and set free. Now it's on to Stillwater.
Friday, June 22, 2018
Barnsdall is always a very special place. We have started meeting by the front door. It's a larger area than where we met before. We also get the front door traffic. I like it! this morning we had rededications and healings. Because of the front door traffic I was also asked to go into rooms and pray with family members who were not able to come to the service - great way to start the day.
Wednesday, June 20, 2018
I said, "What can wash away my sin?" They said, "Nothing but the blood of Jesus." I said, "What can make me whole again?" They said, "Nothing but the blood of Jesus." What a great way to start the morning. I was in a memory unit this morning. We sang all the songs without the song sheets and everyone did great. We had a room full of residents but we also had spouses and staff. What a great morning lifting up the name of Jesus.
Tuesday, June 19, 2018
Life behind these doors is very different compared to the kind of life you and I experience every day of our lives. For one thing, they all need full time care, for one reason or another. One thing that is common between us: we all need a savior to experience eternal life. His name is Jesus. Someone must go and tell. I am so honored to be one of the ones to go. The Lord said to me, "Go, strengthen the saved & save the lost."
Monday, June 18, 2018
We are definitely growing. This morning was the largest group so far. There are so many people, whether in nursing homes or out of nursing homes, who want to hear some good news. You can't get any news "gooder" than Jesus Christ. He is the way. He is the truth. And, He is the life.
Friday, June 15, 2018
We had a great morning in Henryetta. Some new residents came in and entered into praise and worship. Their hands were in the air and their eyes were closed. It was a wonderful sight. Then, we looked at the practical side to faith. The "hands on" of faith. After the service both residents and staff said, "I needed that!" We continue to: Strengthen The Saved & Save The Lost.
Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Tuesday, June 12, 2018
We had a very good turnout this morning. They were very eager to hear more about faith. When I read the verse in the book of Mark that says, "Daughter, your faith has made you whole", the residents got really excited. It's important to know: If her faith can make her whole then my faith can make me whole.
There is a gal who comes into this nursing home before me at 1pm. She is a story teller. I hate to come in to early because the residents would rather hear stories of the Bible. As soon as I come in they want her to leave. I feel sorry for her but I'm so glad the residents love the Bible.
We had a very good turnout this morning. They were very eager to hear more about faith. When I read the verse in the book of Mark that says, "Daughter, your faith has made you whole", the residents got really excited. It's important to know: If her faith can make her whole then my faith can make me whole.
There is a gal who comes into this nursing home before me at 1pm. She is a story teller. I hate to come in to early because the residents would rather hear stories of the Bible. As soon as I come in they want her to leave. I feel sorry for her but I'm so glad the residents love the Bible.
Monday, June 11, 2018
The looks that I saw on faces this morning reminded me of the first time I heard Jesus say, "Daughter your faith has made you whole." The very first time I realized if her faith could make her whole then my faith could make me whole. It's a revelation that is a life changer. Residents and staff heard that message this morning and it was a life changer for them. Praise The Lord!
Friday, June 8, 2018
Well I guess a preach came on me this morning! That doesn't happen to often but when it does it sure is fun. We are still ministering on The Woman With The Issue Of Blood. After the service there were many who said, "That was just for me!" God is so good.
Thursday, June 7, 2018
There was a room full of residents waiting for this mornings service. We took our text from Mark 5. Jesus said, "Daughter, your faith has made you whole." We saw that if God is no respecter of persons and this woman's faith made her whole then my faith can make me whole. By the end of the service there were people asking me to help them up. (Knowing how to handle this can be the difference between being told to "leave and never come back" or being asked to "please keep coming.") Residents are under the care and authority of the facility. These facilities have been given legal authority over the residents. I do not have the authority to help anyone out of their wheel chair / geri chair. The staff needs to be in the loop on this. They need to know the residents are putting their faith in God for ______ and want to get up. It is the staff who have the authority to help them up.
Wednesday, June 6, 2018
Warner/Fort Gibson
This afternoon was very interesting. I taught on faith. I was compelled to teach on faith. When I tried to stop, I couldn't. My text was Mark 11 - The woman with the issue of blood. Jesus said, "Daughter, your faith has made you whole." After 45 minutes of teaching there were many questions. It was a wonderful time. "If her faith could make her whole then my faith can make me whole." Praise The Lord.
Tuesday, June 5, 2018
I'm starting to see more school kids in the nursing homes. School is out for the summer so employees are bringing their kids to work. This morning I had kids in the service. I also had some little Pentecostal woman who were ready to shout. It was a great morning. It reminded me of an old-time country church with everyone all in one service. One woman shouted out, "Go with Jesus or go to hell!" That is what I was ministering but I didn't say it quit like that. We raised our hands and shouted a little bit because we were so thankful we were saved!
There is something going on in the nursing homes. I am noticing an increase in attendance and interest. It's wonderful to see. This afternoon's service was bigger than I've seen for a while. Praise The Lord!
I'm starting to see more school kids in the nursing homes. School is out for the summer so employees are bringing their kids to work. This morning I had kids in the service. I also had some little Pentecostal woman who were ready to shout. It was a great morning. It reminded me of an old-time country church with everyone all in one service. One woman shouted out, "Go with Jesus or go to hell!" That is what I was ministering but I didn't say it quit like that. We raised our hands and shouted a little bit because we were so thankful we were saved!
There is something going on in the nursing homes. I am noticing an increase in attendance and interest. It's wonderful to see. This afternoon's service was bigger than I've seen for a while. Praise The Lord!
Friday, June 1, 2018
It's the beginning of another month and we are starting in Eufaula and Holdenville. It is obvious residents are the center of ministry in the nursing homes. However, staff are also in the need of ministry. (Wherever there are people there is potential for ministry.) Many times staff can have some pretty wild schedules and not able to go to church even if they wanted to. This morning I had more than one staff member come to me asking for specific prayer. We had a chance to talk and then pray in agreement. Now it's off to Holdenville. Praise The Lord! We continue to: Strengthen The Saved & Save The Lost.
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