It was so good to see residents again. There were more residents coming into the room than normal. It's obvious that the shutdown is affecting more and more people. Loneliness is becoming a huge issue. They are starving for fellowship. I am ministering from the outside of the building and they are inside with an open door between us. I understand they need to be protected. I just hope the solution is not worse than the problem. We sang the familiar Christmas carols for close to an hour. They were so happy again. It was a joy to be together.
Thursday, December 10, 2020
Tuesday, December 1, 2020
Thursday, November 12, 2020
Thursday - November 12th
It's obvious that residents in nursing care facilities are getting tired. They are tired of being cooped up. They understand the health issues but it doesn't stop them from getting tired of the whole thing. When we began to sing they took off their masks and began singing or shouting quite loudly with joy. It was amazing to watch. Then, we looked into the Word. The Word of God can truly set you free. We are going to every nursing care facility that will let us minister. Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life. (Behind the door in this picture is many, many residents. I stand on the outside and they sit on the inside.)
Wednesday, November 11, 2020
Wednesday - November 11th
Today I was scheduled to minister in Okmulgee. I received a phone call stating I would not be able to come today. We do need to protect those who are the most vulnerable through these times. Prayer is very essential. I would ask all of you to take the time to pray for staff and residents in nursing care facilities. A steady and concerted effort to trust the Word is essential to receive His promises.
Sunday, November 1, 2020
Thursday, October 22, 2020
Thursday - October 22nd
What a great day to be outside. (At least on the north side of a building. The wind was pretty strong from the south.) The residents were more than ready to fellowship. We sang for quite a while before we opened the Word. Then we began to review who we are in Christ. Toward the end of the service, we got pretty happy.
Strengthening The Saved & Saving The Lost
Wednesday, October 14, 2020
Wednesday - October 14th
I always look forward to coming to the Plantation House in Okmulgee. We are meeting outside under the front portico and having such a wonderful time. It was so windy today we all thought it was appropriate to sing I'll Fly Away. We had a lot of fun. (Which is very important during these times.) Then we looked into the Word of God and talked about how we can live with peace that passes all understanding. God is so good!
Thursday, October 8, 2020
Thursday - October 8th
What a great day to travel to Muskogee. We had another outdoor service. Well, I was outdoors and the residents were indoors. (One of these days we will all be together again.) We looked at the Word of God in the light of renewing our minds and being doers of the Word. The Gospel is the Good News! Praise The Lord!
Strengthening The Saved & Saving The Lost
Monday, October 5, 2020
Friday, October 2, 2020
Friday - Oct 2nd
Today seemed like a good day to help the homeless. (That may sound a little strange. Every day should be a good day to help the homeless.) Yet, it's always good to be led by the Lord. I road about 35 miles up and down the Arkansas river speaking to and helping many along the way. Then because of the generous and faithful partners of this ministry, I swung by John 3:16 mission and gave a generous donation. (There are many homeless who need shelter, clothes, and food.) Thank you Life Senders. You are the best. It was a very good day!
Wednesday, September 30, 2020
Wednesday - Sep 30th
It was so good to see everyone again. We were outside at the front entrance and under the portico. The mailman came, Amazon came, UPS came, Visitors came, and we welcomed them all. Residents want to see people. Most of the time when these people come the residents are inside and never see them. They were waiving at everyone who showed up. These types of interruptions I don't consider interruptions. Most of them were either singing with us of helping me preach. It was wonderful. We looked at the promises of God and realized we have a choice to make. We can say yes or we can say no to the promises. If you believe God is a good God you will want to say yes. At the close of the service, we sang "Oh How I Love Jesus" and prayed a prayer of rededication. Praise the Lord! It was a wonderful day.
Thursday, September 24, 2020
Thursday - Sep 24th
We had another great service. The residents are more than ready to have visitors. We could look at each other through a doorway. I was outside, they were inside but we were "together". I'm ready for the new normal to just become normal again. I continue to travel Strengthening The Saved & Saving The Lost whenever and wherever I can.
Friday, September 11, 2020
Thursday - Sep 10th
It is always such a joy to come to this facility. The residents and staff really honor the Word of God. Sometimes I think I walk away more blessed than they are. Today we lifted up the name of Jesus through some of the old favorite hymns: Are you washed in the blood, Jesus is the sweetest name I know, Oh the blood of Jesus, etc. Then, we looked into the Word and discovered some key points to be led by the Spirit of God. Oh, what a time!
Wednesday, September 9, 2020
Wednesday - Sep 9th
We were outside again today. Everyone was so excited to see each other again. The dynamics are a little different when you are outside and at the front door. The mailman came, family members came to pick up residents, etc. It all became part of the service. We all cheered and thanked the mailman for bringing their mail. I just mentioned that during these times it is so good to get information and love from the outside. They all agreed.
We all sang about our wonderful Lord and Savior. Then, we looked into the Word of God and saw how many of the early believers followed their conscience. It is the voice of our spirit man. Many said we could have gone another hour. That's always so wonderful to hear. They are excited about the Word!
Monday, August 31, 2020
Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Wednesday - Aug 26th
What a wonderful morning. We gathered outside under the front portico. The weather was great. We greeted each other like long lost friends. It is so good to get together again. This morning our topic was "God is love and He loves me". I think we could have gone on for another hour. I'll be back in 2 weeks and we'll pick it up where we left off. God is so good! We are: Strengthening The Saved & Saving The Lost.
Thursday, August 13, 2020
Thursday - Aug. 13th
It was a great morning this morning. I drove out of the rain in the Tulsa area and moved to clear skies in Okmulgee. The residents were excited to get outside and breathe some fresh air. We sang about His love for us and our love for Him. "Oh, the blood of Jesus" was one of the favorites. Then we looked at what it means to be a 3 part being - spirit, soul, and body. It's exciting to know we are in the family of God and He loves us.
Tuesday, August 11, 2020
Tuesday - Aug. 11th
In April of 2016, the Lord called me to pray specifically for Rhema and the entire local and international team. He said this would be a layered ministry; something I would do as I was traveling to the nursing care facilities. This would be a radius of prayer surrounding Rhema for Protection, Power, and persistence. Last week it struck me that as long as most of the nursing care facilities are closed to visitors this is my main thrust. I am still traveling to the communities but focusing my full attention on prayer - The Nursing Care Facilities, The Communities, and Rhema. Today is one of those days. I was in Broken Arrow and Sapulpa. Not a lot of traveling but sure was a lot of prayer!
Thursday, August 6, 2020
Thursday, July 23, 2020
Thursday - July 23rd, 2020
We had an outdoor service this afternoon. Or I should say I had an outdoor service this afternoon. The residents were inside. It was a good thing they were. It was hot out there. There was great participation considering the distancing. We continue to Strengthen The Saved & Save The Lost.
Wednesday, July 22, 2020
Thursday, July 16, 2020
Thursday - July 16th
I am in Muskogee today and handing out bibles and books to nursing care facilities. These residents have been locked up for a long time and could use some encouragement. The people who work in health care are heroes. This sign is very appropriate.
Wednesday, July 15, 2020
Wednesday - July 15
I'm in Barnsdall and Claremore today. I handed off some materials, spoke to some employees over the fence, and waved to many residents through the windows. These are really strange times. But, God is faithful to His Word. Keep confessing the Word!
Thursday, July 9, 2020
Thursday - July 9th
It has been such a good day knowing that I am able to minister in some of the nursing care facilities. The residents really need some activities to pick up their spirits. I was outside and they were inside but it worked.
Wednesday, July 8, 2020
Wednesday - July 8th
I think nursing care facilities are just as eager to open up as I am to get back in. I spoke with the activities director in Glenpool this morning. She has been here for 2 months. (She doesn't know what it's like to be open.) When I handed her my CD's she pointed to one and said, we just listened to this one this morning. I am on the books just as soon as they open. Praise the Lord!
Tuesday, July 7, 2020
Tuesday - July 7th

Being led by the Spirit of God and believing and trusting in Him is the best way to live. He is Amazing!
Tuesday, June 30, 2020
Thursday, June 11, 2020
Signs Of Things to come

I have also been recording more teachings for YouTube. The nursing care facilities plus anyone with access to the internet will be able to view and study these. You can find them on
Thursday, June 4, 2020
Tuesday, April 28, 2020
Saturday, April 4, 2020
Friday, April 3, 2020
Friday - April 3rd
Today I traveled another 300+ miles to reach our last 16 nursing care facilities. I looked at my calendar and saw that in 5 days I traveled 1,323 miles and dispersed $2,640 worth of books and CDs to all of my facilities. Every nursing care facility was very, very appreciative of these materials. I received a phone call from one of the facilities I was at today. (They had gathered the residents and already had a hymn sing with one of the CDs.) It's very important the residents follow all medical guidelines. Now we have given them materials to also stand on God's Word in line with health and wholeness.
Thursday, April 2, 2020
Thursday - April 2nd
Wow, it's been quite the day. I have a total of 64 nursing care facilities I have ministered in in the last 10 years. With the sudden closing of care facilities to the public, due to the CV-19 outbreak, I have been aggressively traveling to each one to encourage them and provide books and CDs. (These books and CDs can be used by the activities directors.) Today I was able to travel 374 miles and visit 13 facilities. I have 16 facilities left and I believe I will be able to reach out to all of them tomorrow.
Wednesday, April 1, 2020
Wednesday - April 1st
The traveling days have sure been different with no stores or restaurants open. Generally, I will write on my blog during my lunch however there is nothing open. So I am writing now - (8:24pm). Today was a very long but productive day. I traveled 303 miles and visited 11 nursing care facilities. I see a lot of stress in the facilities. There are pockets here and there where I see joy and happiness. It is rare but it is there. I can tell right away they are drawing on the peace and joy of the Lord. One woman saw that I was providing Christian based books and CDs. She was so excited she shook my hand and gave me a big hug. She completely forgot about CV-19 protocol. It is certainly a witness to people looking for answers during a time of need. Life in nursing homes is very lonely right now. I have sensed the need to pick up the pace in my travels and get to the rest of the facilities as quickly as possible. I am looking at maps and checking my supplies. I believe I need to get off the road soon. God is so good to guide me every step of the way.
Tuesday, March 31, 2020
Tuesday - March 31st
It's late in the day but I did not want to let the day go by without sharing. I am continuing to travel bringing in books and CDs to nursing care facilities throughout eastern Oklahoma. Many of the activity directors are scrambling to find things to do for the residents. I believe the Lord wants me so sow much of my materials to this relief. Today I traveled 270 miles and met with staff at 13 nursing care facilities. We are meeting the need during this CV-19 crisis. Thank you! together we are sharing the Good News that God is a good Good. He is the answer!
Friday, March 27, 2020
Tulsa County - Health and Wholeness Tour
At the beginning of the Covid-19 outbreak, the Lord said, "I want you to go to every nursing home you've ever been in and encourage them with My Word." I'm calling it "The Health and Wholeness Tour". Last week I traveled to Muskogee, Eufaula, Quinton, Wilburton, and McAlister distributing books and CDs that I had on hand. Then I ordered another case of books and have been waiting for them to arrive. I also began burning more CDs. Today the books came.
I have been traveling throughout Tulsa county distributing books and CDs. Next week the Health & Wholeness Tour will continue until every nursing care facility has been reached.
Tuesday, March 17, 2020
Health & Wholeness Tour
Today was an amazing day. I traveled to 5 nursing care facilities in a 250-mile loop. We are making sure that all the nursing care facilities that I've ministered in in the last 10 years have some CDs and healing books that this ministry is providing. I met with some staff I had not seen for years. We cried and laughed as we met. Please remember to do everything in the natural and the spiritual you know to do during these times.
Saturday, March 14, 2020
Coronavirus Update
The national health organizations have called for no visitors in nursing care facilities throughout the country do to the potential spread of the coronavirus. In the last few days, I had started receiving calls stating that they were already beginning to close their doors to visitors. The elderly are the most vulnerable to this virus. The residents need to be protected. They need medical services but they also need the Word of God. As my Pastor says, "It's the natural and the supernatural coming together that creates that explosive force from God." They need to stand on the promises of God in line with healing, health, and wholeness. As a result, I have decided to travel to every nursing care facility that I have ministered in in the last 10 years. (I have ministered in 64 nursing care facilities throughout eastern Oklahoma.) I will be providing Bibles, my healing CD titled Healing: Forever Settled. I will also be providing my book titled My Prayer Book. (One of the chapters has all of the healing scriptures in the Bible.) Even though I will not be entering the buildings, I will be delivering these materials to each of the sights. I believe it is very important that we all stand on the promises of God's Word not just during this time but always. I have ordered more books for this project and will be producing more CDs in the next few days. Then there will be much extra travel in the weeks to come. God loves us and cares for us. It is evident in His Word. So, we are on the road: Strengthening The Saved & Saving The Lost.
Thursday, March 12, 2020
All across the country, nursing homes are being affected by the Coronavirus. This morning the facility I was in had a very thorough screening process at the front door. This afternoon's facility has closed its doors to all visitors. (We want our residents to be safe and healthy.) I have adjusted my message to minister on the healing scriptures. I am also providing a CD which contains a piano background with me narrating all of the healing scriptures found throughout the Bible.
Wednesday, March 11, 2020
It is so good to be back in the nursing homes. I realize even more when I enter, I belong here. As we sang the hymns of the church the awareness of God went to a higher level. Clapping, singing and raising our hands were in order. We continue to Strengthen The Saved & Save The Lost.
Monday, March 2, 2020
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