Thursday, December 20, 2018
It's Christmas time and we are celebrating in the nursing homes. There are many residents who do not have family around. So, we are family! We raised our hands and our voices to the Lord as we sang some cherished Christmas carols. Then, we looked at the faith of Mary and Joseph. They believed and followed the Lord in every way. What wonderful examples to follow.
Wednesday, December 19, 2018
Behind these doors are some amazing people who love the Lord. This morning we sang Christmas carols and then listened to Charlie Brown's gang read the Christmas story. There were smiles on everyone's faces. It seems the older we get the more our natural family can spread out. Our spiritual family becomes closer. This morning we were family.
Tuesday, December 18, 2018
Saturday, December 15, 2018
Thursday, December 13, 2018
It is such a blessing to minister at East Gate in Muskogee. We have become family. Residents who are not feeling well or for some reason are confined to their room want me to come and pray. That happened this morning. A staff member said residents gets up extra early on the days I come so they can be ready for the service. I share that to let you know how important these services are to those who live and work at these facilities. This morning we prayed for many miracles. Angel Gabriel said to Mary, "With God nothing shall be impossible."
Wednesday, December 12, 2018
This is one place where we sing the entire time. Why? It just seems to work. The Lord will give me little things to say between the songs. I really don't even think about it ahead of time. This time it was all Christmas carols. When I show up the residents are heading to the dinning hall for snacks. It always reminds me of singing at a dinner theater. Here is a verse that came to mind this morning.
1 Corinthians 9:19-23 New Living Translation (NLT)
19 Even though I am a free man with no master, I have become a slave to all people to bring many to Christ. 20 When I was with the Jews, I lived like a Jew to bring the Jews to Christ. When I was with those who follow the Jewish law, I too lived under that law. Even though I am not subject to the law, I did this so I could bring to Christ those who are under the law. 21 When I am with the Gentiles who do not follow the Jewish law,[a] I too live apart from that law so I can bring them to Christ. But I do not ignore the law of God; I obey the law of Christ.
22 When I am with those who are weak, I share their weakness, for I want to bring the weak to Christ. Yes, I try to find common ground with everyone, doing everything I can to save some. 23 I do everything to spread the Good News and share in its blessings.
Tuesday, December 11, 2018
This morning was a great service. My oldest grandson is traveling with me today. It's fun to watch his reaction to things as they happen. We are lifting up the name of Jesus during this Christmas season. We raised our hands and then looked into the Word. Jesus is Lord!
Friday, December 7, 2018
Thursday, December 6, 2018
The Brentwood nursing home is always a joy to minister in. We had another amazing time. We began by singing Christmas carols. Then, we looked at Mary's faith. She said, "Be it unto me according to your word." She believed and received. God is no respecter of persons. We can believe and receive! (I'm going to put this mornings Christmas carols on our web-site.
Tuesday, December 4, 2018
It is always exciting to share the Good News that Jesus was born. We call it Christmas. All of the preparation and all of the giving is because God gave the biggest gift - His Son, Jesus. The greatest gift that we can give Him in return is us. This morning we gathered together and did just that. We gave Him us. Many of the residents gave their testimonies as our praises rose to Him. JESUS IS THE REASON FOR THE SEASON.
Tuesday, November 27, 2018
As I entered the nursing care facility this morning I was immediately met by a residents who, in just the past few days, tried to commit suicide. Loneliness can set in especially this time of the year. I started some music for everyone to listen to but then we didn't start singing right away because it was time for the two of us to have a talk. It is very important to know we are loved. It's not just the love of God but it's the love of God through a person. He works through people. We all need to know that someone cares! After a few minutes we started the service. The joy of the Lord was present and we all know, it's the joy of the Lord that is our strength.
Thursday, November 15, 2018
Another great service! I have been with this facility and with these residents for close to 9 years. We continue to grow in the things of the Lord. Today the hymn singing was wonderful. Some of the residents began to sing hymns I didn't have on my list. But, we sang them anyway. It was wonderful. We sang, I Come To The Garden Alone - acapella. A beautiful sound and all from the heart.
Wednesday, November 14, 2018
This was another wonderful morning. It's amazing to hear a room full of assisted care residents singing their heart's out for the Lord. There seems to be many things they can not remember but they do remember the hymns. It was food and fellowship around the glorious hymns of the church. Praise The Lord!
On my way to Muskogee I heard a radio evangelist say, "I don't want to be busy, I want to be fruitful. For the last several years I have been very busy. There has been much fruit but I think I could have been more fruitful. For the last several months the Lord has been helping me revise my schedule and develop a new focus. It's called - "Heart Fit: spirit, soul, and body." This focus will be used on the road and on the trail, (the bike and running trail.) What I mean by that is the Lord has expanded my focus. In 2019 I will continue to minister to those who find themselves in nursing care facilities. I will also be ministering to athletes and those who are homeless in the Tulsa area. You can be fit physically but not spiritually. You can also be fit spiritually but not physically. It takes both to run your race effectively for God. Thus "Heart Fit: spirit, soul, and body."
On my way to Muskogee I heard a radio evangelist say, "I don't want to be busy, I want to be fruitful. For the last several years I have been very busy. There has been much fruit but I think I could have been more fruitful. For the last several months the Lord has been helping me revise my schedule and develop a new focus. It's called - "Heart Fit: spirit, soul, and body." This focus will be used on the road and on the trail, (the bike and running trail.) What I mean by that is the Lord has expanded my focus. In 2019 I will continue to minister to those who find themselves in nursing care facilities. I will also be ministering to athletes and those who are homeless in the Tulsa area. You can be fit physically but not spiritually. You can also be fit spiritually but not physically. It takes both to run your race effectively for God. Thus "Heart Fit: spirit, soul, and body."
Tuesday, November 13, 2018
Barnsdall has a tremendous group of people, both residents and staff. They love the Lord. This morning they were, more than ready, to praise the Lord. We are continuing to look at the promises of God. The bible says, every promise God has ever made is YES to the believer. It's very important to understand how to receive these promises. Real faith is believing in the heart and speaking with the mouth. That's how we receive. Hands were in the air and shouts were on their lips as the revelation hit them. Praise the Lord.
Thursday, November 8, 2018
Heart Fit: spirit, soul, and body
Heart Fit: spirit, soul, and body.
Strengthening The Saved & Saving The Lost
in the nursing homes and on the bike trail.
We had another wonderful service this morning. This service is "church" to the residents. Some of them dress up but all of them are ready to praise the Lord. When they hear that every promise that God has ever made is "yes" to the believer they light up. They are understanding more and more that God really does love them.
I want to share something very powerful the Lord is doing through this ministry. In the last few months the Lord has put a powerful focus on this ministry. It is called "Heart Fit: spirit, soul, and body" Heart Fit is intended to help us run our race, for the Lord, with: focus, endurance, and strength. Heart fit is a strategic way to train the spirit, soul, and body of man. Heart Fit gives me a renewed focus for ministry in the nursing homes and on the bike trail.
Let me digress a little bit and tell you how this all began.
Back in October of 2016 I had said, “I want to be in the best shape of my life the year I turn 65.” I was turning 65 in the following year (2017.)
After having ministered for the Lord since 1974 and full-time in nursing homes for the past 6 years I said to the Lord, “Lord I’ll go wherever you want me to go and I’ll do whatever you want me to do.” I meant it more than ever before. He simply responded to my statement with a question, “Can You?” I knew He was being kind. There were some issues I needed to address.
(I was overweight and had not exercised for years. I thought, “How can I run my race for the Lord effectively without taking care of my body. I was inspired by my mother who was approaching 100 and very fit.”)
Back in the 70's and 80's I had been a part of the Des Moines bike club, in Des Moines, Iowa, and had ridden in RAGBRAI, (A bike ride across Iowa that takes a week to accomplish). I loved it! So, I thought biking might be the way to go for exercise. On a Saturday I rode with a friend of mine. After riding 3 miles with him I was so exhausted all I could do was turn around and go back to my car. I decided I was going to lose weight first and not exercise. Doing both at the same time would be too much for me. I would have quit. I found an app for my phone that tracked calories. I decided to eat whatever I wanted but watch my calories. From March 2017 to June 2017 I lost approx. 30 lbs. That was exciting. In August I got back on my bike and started riding again. By the end of the year I was riding in the 30 – 40 mile range. I wanted to be cardiovascular fit more than muscular and had been studying a lot on the different ways to do that. I discovered how to train the heart for cardiovascular fitness. Now I was riding my bike based on my heart rate as apposed to my speed. By the end of 2017 I rode 65 miles in the year I was 65 and then in August of 2018 I rode 100 miles. As of this writing I have ridden 3,850 miles for the year.
I have sensed, for the last several month, (the end of 2018) the Lord wanting me to be more intentional with my faith on my bike. To use the phrase “Heart Fit” in a way that will lead people to the Lord. Take the same mandate of "Strengthening The Saved & Saving The Lost" in the nursing homes and include it on the bike trail. (Bikers, runners, joggers, walkers, the homeless, etc.) To establish the ministry of Heart Fit: spirit, soul, and body.
Just as you can become heart fit in your body you can also become heart fit in your spirit; with the intended purpose of running your race for God. The more fit you are in every part of your being the more able you are to run your race effectively for the Lord.
There is so much more I could say about this but we would be getting into the nitty-gritty of how this all works.
Heart Fit: spirit, soul, and body.
Wednesday, November 7, 2018
The morning service went in a different direction than I had planned. I believe it was a God thing. We were looking at the promises of God and the next thing I new, I was laying hands on the sick and having a healing service.
Mark 16:17-18 King James Version (KJV)
17 And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues;
18 They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.
17 And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues;
18 They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.
Tuesday, November 6, 2018
What a great morning. Even though we had changed our monthly meeting time, we didn't skip a beat. Everyone was so excited about the promises of God. There were shouts and hands in the air all over the room. I guess you could say, "We have revival".
Now I'm off to Bristow. It's my first service in a new facility.
Now I'm off to Bristow. It's my first service in a new facility.
Thursday, November 1, 2018
This morning we had a few situations that gave us the ability to use our faith openly. To demonstrate our faith. We were looking at some of the promises of God which state we can lay hands on the sick and they shall recover. As I was ministering, I noticed a resident in tears. She was cramping around an area on her legs where she had had surgery. We laid hands on her and prayed God's healing power to flow. Then, a nurse came and took her away. Within the hour she was back. The nurse said, "She hates to miss your services." It was a wonderful demonstration of God's love to us. We continue to teach His love and His miracle working power.
Monday, October 29, 2018
Friday, October 26, 2018
Another great morning in Barnsdall. I was ready to preach. Residents and family were ready to receive. This message will be available soon on our website. It's something for everyone to hear. There was a lot that happened after the message. Many asked for prayer, rededications, healings. God is good!
Thursday, October 25, 2018
This morning we had a singspiration. I remember, as a kid, having Sunday night singspirations. We'd just sing all night long. So, today we sang the whole service. Residents love to sing and hear the old gospel songs. In between the songs I focused on being born again and knowing you are in Christ. It was a wonderful time.
This afternoon we dug deep. We started to look at the secrets of the Lord. Psalms 25:14 says, "The secret of the Lord is with them that fear (honor, respect, and worship) Him." We spent a lot of time understanding what it means to be "in Christ".
This afternoon we dug deep. We started to look at the secrets of the Lord. Psalms 25:14 says, "The secret of the Lord is with them that fear (honor, respect, and worship) Him." We spent a lot of time understanding what it means to be "in Christ".
Tuesday, October 23, 2018
Traveling, ministering, and revising the schedule. "Yes Lord, I will go wherever you want me to go." Strengthening The Saved & Saving The Lost
Friday, October 19, 2018
This morning was a slow start with a lot of rain. We started a few minutes late but had a great time. The residents were a little slow too. Every time a new group came in we started over, but repeating the Word is a good thing. One of the residents yelled out, "Can you stay all day?" We have become family. Praise the Lord.
Thursday, October 18, 2018
There were several in the room this morning who got excited when I began to speak about being filled with the Spirit of God. This is a promise in the Word. I gave the example of my initial experience back in the early 70s. In Acts 2:39 it says, "For the promise is unto you, and to your children, and to all who are afar off, . . . I'd say we are as "afar off" as anyone has ever been but it's still for us today. Lots of response. God is so good!
Wednesday, October 17, 2018
We had another wonderful meeting this morning. Autumn Wood is growing. Many of the new residents and their family were in the meeting this morning. It is so encouraging to see the smiles on peoples faces as they hear the good news of Jesus Christ. We continue to: Strengthen The Saved & Save The Lost.
Tuesday, October 16, 2018
This was a very busy morning and service. We sang many hymns and ministered the Word. But, I also met a woman who traveled and preformed for the troops during the Vietnam era. A very interesting woman with lots of stories. She said, "I wasn't afraid because I new God would take care of me and He did." I also helped in recommending housing in some other communities for a few residents. We continue traveling: Strengthening The Saved & Saving The Lost.
Monday, October 15, 2018
There were many questions and comments this morning. The residents were really thinking about the responsibility that we have to receive the promises of God. God is a giver but we must receive.
Friday, October 12, 2018
I have not had a service like this for some time. Lots of residents, friends, and family. And also a lot of enthusiasm for the Word of God. We had raised hands and hand clapping to: Power In The Blood, - Oh, The Blood Of Jesus, etc. Then at the close of the service many wanted prayer for their healing. Praise the Lord!
Thursday, October 11, 2018
East Gate Village is a large facility. They have a lot of residents. There are some services, we have upwards of 30 to 40 in the service. When you add geri chairs and wheel chairs into that mix it can take up a lot of space. Today we focused on: 1) What is the God kind of faith? 2) How do you use the God kind of faith? It doesn't matter how young you are or how old you are. You can operate in the God kind of faith. We raised our hands and thanked the Lord for His goodness and faithfulness. In these kind of services you can see that residents are hungry for the Lord. They are so thankful when someone comes to share the Good News.
Wednesday, October 10, 2018
Several years ago Ann and I sang in a gospel group called The Joyful Inspiration. We sang in a lot of churches, Woman's Aglow, conferences, etc. There were also some gospel dinner theaters we sang at. They were like a buffet restaurant with a stage. You could come and get a good meal with live gospel music. (This was way before Branson.) The reason I'm saying all of this is because this morning as I stepped into the assisted living center, I sang gospel music while the residents were having their morning snacks in the dining room. It brought me back to the old dinner theater. I did not hand out the song sheets because of all the food and yet they new all the songs and all the words. Many raised their hands as we sang. As I was leaving I heard, "Come back because we can't get out." I assured them I would be back. It's the very reason why I go.
Strengthening The Saved & Saving The Lost
Tuesday, October 9, 2018
I was ministering on Mark 11:22 - having the God kind of faith. One of the residents yelled out, "It'll take you to another level!" (Yes it will.) We were looking at using the God kind of faith with the promises of God. These promises need to be received. Or, you could say, taken. Because they have already been promised. At the end of the service we rededicated our selves to being doers of the Word. Now it's on to Bartlesville.
Monday, October 8, 2018
"This is the day the Lord has made, we will rejoice and be glad." We certainly did rejoice this morning. The room was more full than normal and we were ready to sing and rejoice. It's like releasing the tension on a spring or throwing a sling shot. Give them a chance and they will PRAISE THE LORD.
Thursday, October 4, 2018
It is always a joy to come to Brentwood. There is a group of residents who love the Lord and love to share their faith with others. Today we looked at the promises of God and how to receive them with the God kind of faith found in Mark 11:22-24. God speaks those things that be not as though they were. That's the God kind of faith.
Wednesday, October 3, 2018
Warner/Fort Gibson
There are times when our meeting rooms look like a hospital emergence room - wheel chairs, geri chairs, oxygen tanks etc. It's good to know that every promise God has ever made is YES to the believer. He is the giver but we are the receivers. We must learn to be good receivers in order to benefit from the promises. Back in the 70's I graduated from an electronics radio and TV school. We learned a lot about transmitters and receivers. The transmitter can be putting out a powerful signal but if the receiver is not working or set properly it will never receive the signal. And so it is with God's promises. They are all YES to the believer but we must learn how to receive them. Our mandate is to Strengthen The Saved & Save The Lost.
Tuesday, October 2, 2018
I was met at the front door with, "Pastor Paul we are moving your service to a bigger room!" It was great. We met in the dining hall. Much more room to grow. Eyes lit up and residents got excited when I told them that every promise God has ever made was "Yes" to the believer. Then we began to discover how to receive those promises through faith.
Monday, October 1, 2018
With it being Monday and October 1st, the October activities calender's were not even up yet. I told the residents who did show up, "Let's make a joyful noise!" It worked. More residents came from everywhere. We had a great service. We looked at Mark 11:22, "Have faith in God." Or, have the God kind of faith. Many of the residents acted like they had never heard that before. The big question was, "how can you have the God kind of faith?" We are plowing new ground. It's exciting.
Saturday, September 29, 2018
Friday, September 28, 2018
Residents waiting, excited, and expecting from the Lord. It was also good to see a husband of a new resident come in and stay for the service. God loves us so much He says in His Word, "For no matter how many promises God has made, they are “Yes” in Christ." (2 Cor. 1:20) We got very, very excited about that. Praise the Lord.
Thursday, September 27, 2018
There were a lot of amens and alleluias this morning. It's very difficult to know or understand what is happening in the lives of residents. This morning it was easy to see that the residents believed in a living and loving God who cares for them. Whatever their situation they trust Him. We rejoiced in Him. His name is Jesus.
Wednesday, September 26, 2018
I know I may sound like a broken record but; we had another great service. This facility opened the first of this year and has been adding residents ever since. Every time I come, the group gets bigger. We raised our hands and our voices to the Lord as we gave Him praise. We are rededicating ourselves to Him because He is so good!
Tuesday, September 25, 2018
Broken Arrow/Vinita
We had another wonderful time singing praises to our Lord. This morning was so nice we sat outside in the courtyard. I was in memory care and we sang all of the hymns without song sheets. In other words - by memory.
Thursday, September 20, 2018
We are learning that to receive from God takes action on our part. We are to be doers of the Word and not hearers only. Even though every promise from God is "Yes" to the believer, we must learn how to receive. This morning, in Muskogee, there were many residents who were anxious to learn how to receive from God. God's part is to give. Our part is to receive. We must learn to be good receivers.
Wednesday, September 19, 2018
We had an amazing time In The Lord this morning. I set up in a different part of the building. So, some of the residents I new and some I had not met before. This is a memory care facility. That creates some unique situations to deal with. There was a real sense of praise and worship this morning. after the service the activities worker said she saw residents talking and singing who had not done anything like that for a long time. God is so good!
Tuesday, September 18, 2018
This morning I was reminded of the variety of people you find in nursing care facilities. To the extreme, some of the residents needed full time physical care, Some needed full time mental care, and others needed both. The Word of God ministers to all of them because He goes to the heart. As we started to sing, I thought to myself, it's a good thing the Lord said to make a joyful noise because we were sure doing that! Then, what started as a random beginning turned into a very personal one-on-one ministry. We continue to Strengthen The Saved & Save The Lost everywhere we go.
Friday, September 14, 2018
There is one thing that really stood out today. There is a young man who is living in one of the nursing homes I visited today. He was on the local high school football team just a few years ago. I'm not clear about the accident he was in however it resulted in him not having the use of his legs. He is in a wheel chair. (I have visited with him over the last year.) I had not seen him for a few months so when I saw him today I noticed a change. His upper body was much more muscular. I asked him what he was doing. He said, "I'm doing 200 push-ups in the morning and another 200 push-up in the evening." He said, "It's a miracle. I'm never giving up on God because I know He's not giving up on me." I asked him if he could feel his legs. (I new that he had no feeling before.) He said, "Yes, the feeling is coming back. I'm in the middle of a miracle."
It's people like that that inspire me. They know their God. And, in the tough times they do not quit.
It's people like that that inspire me. They know their God. And, in the tough times they do not quit.
Thursday, September 13, 2018

Wednesday, September 12, 2018
This morning was very interesting. As I entered the facility the residents were finishing up their exercises. Then they were told to move to the dinning area for snacks. (That part was a little unusual because they usually stayed in the same place for service.) Once we all realized what had happened I said, "How about if I just set up in the dinning area and have a service during their snack time." Snack time is bigger than Bingo. It was the largest service I've had yet at this facility. I think we'll do this again.
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