Tuesday, February 28, 2017
This was my first scheduled day in the Claremore Nursing Home. It is a wonderful facility. This morning reminded me of the old idea of following God by the "open door / closed door" philosophy. In other words, what ever you feel led to do, if the door closes, it's a NO from God. If the door opens, it's a YES from God. Today we had a scheduling conflict. I have had a scheduling conflict with this facility, off and on, for the past 2 years. But, I do believe I need to be here. I am led my the Spirit of God not by open door / closed door thinking. So, I continue to come. I find it interesting that I have been ministering on "Fighting The Good Fight Of Faith" for the past several months. This is not a physical fight. It is a spiritual fight. When we are in faith we are also in joy and peace. And, that is were I am. I can hear my pastor say, "I cannot be defeated and I will not quit." Ministering in nursing care facilities throughout eastern Oklahoma.
Monday, February 27, 2017
Friday, February 24, 2017
Thursday, February 23, 2017
We've been ministering on the armor of God for months. Today we started on the sword of the Spirit. I knew this would be powerful but I didn't realize how powerful. Residents have been saying, This is what I've been missing. A woman came to me after the service and said she had been taught the Logos Word but had never heard of the Rhema Word. Let me put it like this. You can put the Logos in your gun but if you never pull the trigger it will never become Rhema. It will never accomplish it's intended purpose.
Wednesday, February 22, 2017
Broken Arrow / Pawnee
It's been quite the day. It all started in Broken Arrow. These residents are amazing. They come in wanting to be fed. We lifted our voices to the Lord as residents continued to come in. The activities director said, right after I've been here, the residents are always in a more positive attitude. (That's the power of the Word. We are learning how to walk in faith.) Today, we looked at Eph. 6:16. It talks about the shield of faith and fiery darts. We learned how to apply that to our lives and make it work in every situation, all the time. Then it was on to Pawnee.
I was scheduled for 1pm in Pawnee. That's a little tight. I might have to change that, if I can. But, today being there at 1pm was God. There were several in the room when I got there. Including an older woman and 3 younger women. We began to sing. I noticed a Kleenex box at the table with the women and the younger 3 were crying. (That is not real unusual in the nursing homes.) The more we sang the happier they got. I would stop occasionally and minister between the hymns. Seemed like I should focus on the blood songs. (Considering some other situations going on in the nursing home we decided to stop after 1/2 hour.) As I was packing up the three women came to me and asked me where I had come from. I told them - Tulsa. They said they had been called by the nursing home to come in because "Granny" was failing. They had just arrived before me. One of the other residents said, "Granny was just as white as a sheet until we started singing. Then, all her color came back and she perked up."
I write this because many times we don't really know what's going on, but God does. It's so important to follow the leading of the Holy Spirit.

I write this because many times we don't really know what's going on, but God does. It's so important to follow the leading of the Holy Spirit.
Tuesday, February 21, 2017
Monday, February 20, 2017
Stillwater is the county seat of Payne county. It is one of the towns I need to be in. I am in 22 counties and their county seats. Then, besides that, I'm in an additional 15 facilities. This is one of the afternoon nursing homes I have not said a lot about.
This afternoon there were many who just wanted to hold my hand. (They would have held anyone's hand. They are lonely.) I can give them my time and my love but what is very critical is that I share with them the love of God. It is the kind of love that can stay with them when I'm gone. And so, I think, with every new song we sang I held someone else's hand. It's always exciting to experience that love ooze into the hearts and lives of the residents. God is so Good!
I always like Mondays. It's good to get back on the road again. We had a group this morning that was ready to praise the Lord. It's been a while since I've been here so we did an overview of the Armor Of God. Kieth Moore has a song with lyrics that say, "My symptoms my change but my confession stays the same." That's the crux of fighting the good fight of faith. Continue to believe and confess the Word of God in the face of opposition. The Word is Truth. Many residents who live in nursing homes and grew up in traditional churches do not know how to Fight The Good Fight Of Faith. We have been on this know for 6 months or so. I think this may be my next book. It's an extremely important topic.
Friday, February 17, 2017
Today continues to be a day of increase. Starting next month I will be in Walnut Grove Living Center. It's not time to settle in, it's time to expand.
Just Some Thought Along The Road
Change is certainly in the air. One thing is certain. As long as something is alive, there will be change. I continue to see change in the line-up of the nursing home ministry. Not just change but growth. One thing I have learned in the ministry; If you have a heart for people, and are willing to work, God will have more than enough for you to do. I say more than enough because for years now I have "believed" I could not do everything He wanted me to do. I'd say, "I can't do that." It was just to much. It would cost to much. Or, it would take to much time. Finally, I realized He is not trying to punish me, He is trying to bless me. When I started saying, "Lord, you show me how to do it and I'll do it." Everything changed. Today, I am doing so much more than I every thought possible. But, I'm sure, not as much as I will be. It's so much easier when you relax and just do WHAT He says and HOW He says. Then, Matthew 11:30 will come alive - "For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light."
Traveling the highways and byways of eastern Oklahoma:
Strengthening The Saved - Saving The Lost
Thursday, February 16, 2017
This was my first service in Hartshorne. 21 residents came in. I was excited. At the beginning of the service no one was smiling. I could tell they were checking me out. We had a great time of singing and ministering. At the close of the service 1 resident rededicated her life to the Lord. Many said they would bring in more people next time. Another resident said she appreciated my honesty. She said, "You know we are close to death. We've relaxed at the end of our lives but eternity is forever. We need to know the truth." Wow, I was impressed. She is right. We need to hear the truth of God's Word. On the road in eastern Oklahoma.
This morning there was an air of revival in the service. Many were raising their hands with tears in their eyes as they worshiped the Lord. I said, "The Lord is here. the Bible says, where two or three are gathered in His Name their He is in their midst. Just reach up and receive whatever you need." The majority of them reached up to receive. At the close of the service we sang - Standing On The Promises Of God and many of them stood up out of their chairs as we sang. Praise the Lord!
Wednesday, February 15, 2017
When I go into "small town Oklahoma" I understand more and more why the Lord has called me to these communities. The ministry resources to these communities is very small. This afternoon I had residents, family, and staff in the meeting. They were very thankful and soaked up the Word like a dry sponge.
I really want to thank my supporters again. I'm so thankful that I've been given the opportunity to minister in these facilities. I remember the first meeting here. Staff came in crying and asking me "Where did you come from?" And, "Why did you come here?" I had the opportunity to tell them that God loves them. That He has put in the hearts of people the gift of giving so I can come. Every time I come they ask me, "When will you be back?" Then, I have the joy to tell them, "Soon!"
I really want to thank my supporters again. I'm so thankful that I've been given the opportunity to minister in these facilities. I remember the first meeting here. Staff came in crying and asking me "Where did you come from?" And, "Why did you come here?" I had the opportunity to tell them that God loves them. That He has put in the hearts of people the gift of giving so I can come. Every time I come they ask me, "When will you be back?" Then, I have the joy to tell them, "Soon!"
Tuesday, February 14, 2017
We had an amazing time. This afternoon the residents had a Valentines party the hour before I arrived. I got to visit with the Valentines Queen for a while. There were many visitors. I saw family, friends, and even school groups to sing and visit. I ministered to everyone for about 45 minutes. We focused on the Love of God looking at John 3:16. We realized that we are all whosoevers. The verse says, ". . .whosoever believeth in Him should not parish but have everlasting life." I handed out another large print Bible and prayed with many who were in the service. God is so good to put us in the right place at the right time. Praise the Lord.
This morning we looked at John 3:16, "For God so loved the World. . ." I wished everyone a happy Valentines Day and then we looked at the Love of God toward us. (Before we started the service many of the residents said their spouse was in heaven. They said, If they were here they would wish me a Happy Valentines Day. It's obvious they are very lonely.) At the close of the service several of the residents rededicated their lives to the Lord. The majority wanted prayer for their families. So, I spent a lot of time in prayer with each one. They shall know we are Christians by our Love.
Monday, February 13, 2017
Half of the nursing homes I go to, I never write about. That is going to change. I write about the morning services during my lunch time. Then, after my afternoon service, I go home. I realized half of what's going on in the nursing home ministry is not being told.
This afternoon I traveled to Sallisaw and had a 2pm service. We shared Eph 6:16 "Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked." After the service an employee said her son had been sick with a high fever. She had turned to 1 Peter 2:24 ". . .by whose stripes ye were healed", and confessed that verse. She asked me if that was what I was talking about. She was right. When a flaming arrow comes at you to cause sickness, to steal, to kill, or destroy we have the right to create a shield with the Word of God. Hold the Word between you and that flaming arrow. It will quench that fiery dart.We must learn how to fight with the Word of God.
This afternoon I traveled to Sallisaw and had a 2pm service. We shared Eph 6:16 "Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked." After the service an employee said her son had been sick with a high fever. She had turned to 1 Peter 2:24 ". . .by whose stripes ye were healed", and confessed that verse. She asked me if that was what I was talking about. She was right. When a flaming arrow comes at you to cause sickness, to steal, to kill, or destroy we have the right to create a shield with the Word of God. Hold the Word between you and that flaming arrow. It will quench that fiery dart.We must learn how to fight with the Word of God.
This morning a woman, who I have known for 6 years, said she lost her husband to the flu. It's the first thing she said when she saw me. (I know there are many in nursing homes who get no or very few visitors.) We spent some time together, after the service, talking about the goodness of God. Her husband was a Christian and we will be with him again for all eternity.
Traveling the highways and byways of eastern Oklahoma:
Strengthening The Saved - Saving The Lost
Friday, February 10, 2017
It was like a Bible study this morning. Not a lot of people but very attentive. We are learning how to fight the good fight of faith. "Above all, take the shield of faith which is able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked." We are casting down every imagination and every thought that comes against the Word of God.
Thursday, February 9, 2017
During the service, a resident came in whom I had never seen before. She began to raise her hands to the Lord and cry as we sang some of the hymns. Toward the end of the service her daughter came to see her and sat in on the service. After the service was over her mother continued to pray and praise the Lord with her hands raised. The daughter came to me and said, she was so glad I came. It was what her mother needed. And please, keep coming!
I wanted to share this because so many of you are hooked up with this ministry; either through prayer, finances or both. Through the Grace of God WE are out there every day sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ. In return I pray that God will supply your every need to overflowing. You are a very significant part of what is happening in nursing care facilities throughout eastern Oklahoma. Thank You!
I wanted to share this because so many of you are hooked up with this ministry; either through prayer, finances or both. Through the Grace of God WE are out there every day sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ. In return I pray that God will supply your every need to overflowing. You are a very significant part of what is happening in nursing care facilities throughout eastern Oklahoma. Thank You!
Wednesday, February 8, 2017
We continue to minister: Strengthening The Saved - Saving The Lost
Tuesday, February 7, 2017
Monday, February 6, 2017
There are times when you wonder if what you are doing is doing any good. I entered the nursing home this morning and saw 3 people in the meeting room. (One of them was a husband who came in to be with his wife who is a resident.) Then, I discovered there is a new activities director who will not be in until 11am. I heard this on the inside, "The only way you can fail is to give up." I set up and began to sing, "Jesus Is The Sweetest Name I know." Residents heard the music and started coming in. Several of the staff began to help bring in more residents. We had a wonderful service and ended up with 25 residents. at the close of the service the activities director came in to introduce herself. It Isounds like we may move to a larger room with more exposure. It would have been easy to walk out this morning.
We all have different jobs, different callings. But, we should all be led by the same Holy Spirit. There is one word that comes to mind - persistence.
Heb 12:1
12:1 THEREFORE THEN, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses [who have borne testimony to the Truth], let us strip off and throw aside every encumbrance (unnecessary weight) and that sin which so readily (deftly and cleverly) clings to and entangles us, and let us run with patient endurance and steady and active persistence the appointed course of the race that is set before us, AMP
We all have different jobs, different callings. But, we should all be led by the same Holy Spirit. There is one word that comes to mind - persistence.
Heb 12:1

I continue to travel in nursing care facilities: Strengthening The Saved - Saving The Lost
Friday, February 3, 2017
I'm sitting at McDonald's in Holdenville. At 2pm the Lord will, once again, tailor this message for another group of residents. We continue to travel throughout eastern Oklahoma; Strengthening The Saved - Saving The Lost
Thursday, February 2, 2017
What an amazing morning! God continues to move in wonderful ways. We are learning to fight the Good Fight of Faith. It's wonderful to watch people living in nursing homes grab the Word of Faith. They are becoming fighters with the Word of God. At the close of the service we sang "Standing On The Promises Of God". Many of the residents began to stand up out of their wheel chairs as we sang!
Wednesday, February 1, 2017
The group was a little light this morning but the force of faith was strong. I believe those who were their were blessed and I pray that more will come the next time. We raised our hands to the Lord as we sang to Him. Then, we looked at Eph. 6:16, "Take the shield of faith . . ." (The Strongs Concordance says this shield is the size of a door.) God has given us a big shield to protect ourselves with. Praise The Lord!
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